Swift Memorial Junior College and Swift College was founded in 1883 by the Rev. Dr. William Henderson Franklin of Knoxville, the first black graduate of Maryville College. The school was named for the Rev. Elijah E. Swift, president of Board of Missions for Freedmen. swift College served the area until 1995 when it was converted to a public high school. Shortly after, its students were integrated into the Hawkins County public school system. The lovely administration building has been torn down, but a number of the buildings remain and are used as offices by the Hawkins County Board of Education. The enclosed cemetery on the left contains the graves of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin.
Bulls Gap Railroad Museum
Bulls Gap Railroad MuseumLarge scale model railroad layouts, souvernirs and T-shirts availabl [...]
History of Rogersville Video
Journey through time and learn surprising facts about the Historic Town of Rogersville, Tennessee. [...]
Swift Museum & Price Public School
Swift Memorial Junior College and Swift College was founded in 1883 by the Rev. Dr. William H [...]
Hawkins County Courthouse
The Hawkins County Courthouse is the seat of county government for Hawkins County, Tennessee, [...]
Crockett Springs Park
It was on the 281 Acre grant that Davis Crocket and his wife, Elizabeth Hedge Crockett, Built [...]
Archie Campbell Museum
On the state highway that links Morristown, Tennessee and Jonesboro, in a town called Bulls G [...]
Overton Masonic Lodge #5
Founded December 14, 1805, Overton Lodge was, at the time of its formation, a part of the Gra [...]
Historic Rogersville
The county seat of Hawkins County, settled in 1775 by the grandparents of Davy Crockett, hero of t [...]
Hale Springs Inn
Welcome to Hale Springs Inn! The historic Hale Springs Inn was built in 1824 by John A. McKin [...]
Laurel Run Park
Set along the beautiful and serene Holston River, this 440 acre park was the backdrop for th [...]
Tennessee Newspaper and Printing Museum
In the year 1791, George Roulstone, the first printer to enter the State of Tennessee, took h [...]